ESG & responsibility

Our Motivation – The European Union’s Climate Targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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Together towards our future

It's time to get back to what's right

The future of energy supply is renewable – The increasingly noticeable global environmental impact of the intensive use of fossil fuels, greater environmental awareness among the population and rising energy prices are the framework conditions under which a growing demand for energy will have to be met in the coming years.

Nevertheless, our energy supply is still based on questionable raw materials such as coal, oil or gas. In order to keep our earth livable for future generations, we should already today consistently use the clean, economically sensible and almost infinitely available energy resource of the sun.

At CCE, we firmly believe that incorporating ESG principles into our operations will not only improve the performance
of our assets but it will also create long-term value for all our stakeholders. By deliberately selecting investments based
on risk, return, cost, and ESG, we aim to achieve a well-rounded portfolio without compromising our risk-return

The sustainability report presents the ESG performance of CCE, along with its management approach to material sustainability
topics for each calendar year.

ESG Actions and Performance 2023

ESG Report 2023

Our responsibility

We are ready for the energy transition

With our photovoltaic projects, we not only ensure that our customers save energy resources, but also make a significant contribution to combating environmental pollution and promote the conservation of resources.

In this way, CCE is already making its contribution to a consistent global energy transition and also expects this attitude from all suppliers along the value chain. Thus, manufacturers and suppliers are always encouraged by us to pay attention to recyclable components and an environmentally friendly production of components.

Our vision

Big goals for a better future

Convinced that only renewable energy can stop climate change, our goal as CCE is to become a large and sustainable producer of environmentally friendly energy and to play an important role in the future global renewable energy markets.

Driven by the Paris Climate Agreement, which was adopted on 12 December 2015, our strategy directly contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 7, 9 & 13.

Our commitment

CCE supports UN Global Compact

Since December 2022, CCE has been committed to the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility initiative and its principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.