Category: Italy


CCE Italia presents its first olive oil production made from olives produced in a photovoltaic field

CCE Italia presents its first olive oil production made from olives produced in a photovoltaic field   CCE Italia has always been committed to integrating photovoltaics with agricultural activities. For this reason, today we are even more proud to present our first oil production originating from a photovoltaic project: organic extra-virgin oil from the plots […]
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CCE Holding finalises EUR 24 million long-term project financing with Commerzbank for the construction of a 42 MW photovoltaic plant in Italy, Vienna/Montalto di Castro 13.01.2025

The international energy transition company CCE Holding announces the successful conclusion of a EUR 24 million project financing with Commerzbank AG: The loan amount will be used for the construction of a 42.08 MW photovoltaic plant in the municipality of Montalto di Castro in the Italian region of Lazio near Rome. The project will be […]
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La posizione di CCE Italia sulla minaccia del ritorno al nucleare: investire nell’energia atomica rischia di rallentare il boom delle FER in Italia, Jesi/Vienna 03.09.2024

Non sono solo gli sviluppatori e operatori di eolico e fotovoltaico a meravigliarsi del fatto che il governo Meloni, nella nuova versione del Pniec presentata a Bruxelles lo scorso luglio, proponga il ritorno dei reattori in Italia e presenti uno scenario nel quale entro il 2050 l’11% dell’elettricità derivi dall’atomo.     click here
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Decreto Aree Aree Idonee, FER X, TU Rinnovabili: der richtige Weg für die Photovoltaik in Italien, aus Sicht von CCE Italia, 16.07.2024

Mit dem jüngsten Gesetzesdekret über die Landwirtschaft und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Photovoltaik und die Agri-PV, dem lang erwarteten Dekret über PV-geeignete Gebiete, dem Entwurf des neuen Einheitstextes über erneuerbare Energien und dem bevorstehenden neuen FER X-Dekret zur Förderung der erneuerbaren Energieerzeugung ist der Photovoltaiksektor in Italien in eine Zeit dramatischer regulatorischer Veränderungen eingetreten. Gleichzeitig […]
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Italian PV sector needs regulatory certainty

CCE Italia Managing Director Sandro Esposito’s contribution for pv Europe on the newly adopted Italian decree-law on agriculture, which contains new regulations for ground-mounted PV systems. Let us not waste valuable energy: looking at how the decree-law was elaborated and then approved, this is the message we most want to spread. Those working in the PV sector […]
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